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Enviro-Cool Double Glazed Units (also referred as Enviro-Cool Insulated Units) are manufactured with the latest Lisec double-glazing production line. Enviro-cool is assembled by two or more lites of glass and separated by a fixed interval using an aluminium spacer filled with a desiccant (drying agent) to absorb the moisture within the airspace. The surrounding edges of the double glazed units are then sealed, firstly, with a primary seal of polyisobutylene, and, secondly, by a secondary seal using either a two part silicone (Dow Corning 982) or polysulphide. Enviro-Cool Insulated Units can also be filled with an inert glass such as argon for better U Values.

Enviro-Cool Insulated Units are fabricated to meet Class A requirements of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) E 774-Standard Specification for Sealed Insulated Units when tested in accordance, with ASTM E 773- Standard Test for Sealed Durability of Sealed Insulating Units.

Enviro-Cool Double Glazed Unit

Key Features

Thermal Insulation: Enviro-Cool DG Units improves the heat insulation quality, which is a weak point of ordinary glass. The improved thermal insulation of double glazing over single glazing is derived from the spacer width, the reflective properties of the glass surfaces and the thermal conductivity of the gas. The thermal insulation of glass is measured by its thermal transmittance (U value), which evaluates the amount of heat that passes from the outside to the air inside. The better the insulation, the smaller the U-value. Firstly, the wider the air space the better the thermal transmittance. But, beyond 13mm air spacer, the improvement level off and the unit manufacturing costs and framing costs will be expensive. Secondly, the reflective properties of the glass surface, which is measured by its surface’s emissivity value. The lower the emissivity value, the more energy is reflected and so not transferred through the glass. Thirdly, the enclosed air space can be substituted with an inert gas, such as argon, to improve the unit’s double-glazing thermal insulation performance.

Reduction of HVAC costs: The reduction of thermal insulation leads to the HVAC costs. The cost savings will be the initial investment of the air conditioning system, and the subsequent daily operating costs.

Increase occupant comfort: Keeping the inner glass pane insulated from the eternal environment keeps the inner pane at an even temperature thus reducing the uncomfortable zone near the windows.

Dew condensation: With single glazing, dew condensation will occur when there is a large temperature difference between the outside and inside of a room. However, with an Enviro-Cool Double Glazed Units the insulation as a result of the air trapped in the double glazed units has the effect of preventing dew condensation. Four variables – relative humidity of the indoor air, thermal transmittance of the glazing, indoor air temperature and the outdoor air temperature.

Noise reduction: In today’s world, the noise traffic from traffic, aircraft, heavy industry, power tools and hi-fi equipment is inescapable and increasing. The significant characteristics of noise are intensity and frequency. Ordinary single glazed glass can often be the weak link in your home’s defence against external unwanted sound. Double Glazed units has a good sound reduction capability and generally, the wider the airspace the better is the noise insulation. Further improvements can be achieved if the thickness of one pane is different from each other.

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Enviro-Cool Double Glazed Unit

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